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Certified Coffees


Certified Coffees - Since 2011, we´ve collaborated with producer associations and individual farmers from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the North to Nariño in the South. Our meticulously curated selection of producers shares our values, convictions, and dedication to our work. By partnering with these like - minded producers across diverse regions, we proudly offer a wide selection of Organic, fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certified coffees.


Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta has been Colombia’s main organic coffee-producing region. Among our partner growers, you will find Indigenous groups, rural organizations and large scale independent plantations. The varieties and cup profiles change depending the area, but predominantly a mild cup with medium to low acidity, floral and sweet notes, influenced by the Caribbean winds and abundance of water in this stunning mountain range.


We´ve developed a close and meaningful relation with Aurora and Jorge since 2011 that well transcends coffee.


Dario is one of the largest organic producers in the country. Also our partner in Agroeco Mill since 2010


Aleisis has grown to be one of our main and most strategic suppliers in the region since 2014


Silver was our first supplier in the region back in 2011. It´s been a mutually enriching journey of growth and friendship


Santander is a fascinating coffee producing region. Aratoca is above the gorgeous Canal de Chicamocha, our very own Grand Canyon. We source different varieties and processes from several farms in the region. All through our strategic partner Oscar Daza from Hacienda La Pradera.


Oscar is an example of what every coffee producer in Colombia should aspire to be. Close friend and very loyal supplier since 2013.


Tolima is Colombia’s second biggest coffee producing province and well positioned for its exceptionally good cup profiles. Since 2014 lohas beans has worked with a wide number of producer organizations to support organic and fair trade standards.


Edison is a young, vibrant and experienced leader.
He was our first and continues to be our closest supplier in Planadas.


Nariño has become renowned as an origin for high quality coffees. And it is well deserved. It´s mineral soils, high altitude and proximity to the Equator contribute to the complexity of the profiles found in areas such as Buesaco, La Unión & Juanambú. As in Huila, harvest now occurs throughout most of the year.


Robert is a natural leader, who has devoted his life to work for his community.
We have a mutually strategic partnership.

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